Monday, August 13, 2018

August 23: C&R

Please make sure to RSVP for this event by replying to the Google Calendar Event! 
The only thing you need with you... is YOU!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The First Day Reflection

  1. How did you innovate today?
  2. How were relationships built today?
  3. How did you make sure your student's voice was heard?
  4. How much time did you allow for reflection?
  5. How did you empower your students?
  6. How did you foster curiosity? 

There is no better time than... now!
Yes, even the first day!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

2 Days of Joy

July 19th and July 20th will go down as my favorite PD EVER!  We ignited the energy within the room, within Central Office, and within our school communities. There is a wave of sparks traveling through us into our schools...

That feeling... that spark... that energy... must continue! We must be "one of those."

One of Those

Have you ever been labeled...
      Labeled as, "One of Those"?

One of those...
     who goes against the grain,
One of those...
     who doesn't comply, but does what's best for everyone,
One of those...
     who feels lonely because you are on an island,
One of those...
     who steps out on the ledge to take a peak,
One of those...
     who faces fear with perseverance,
One of those...
     who stumbles, but recovers,
One of those...
     who travels the opposite path,
One of those...
     who doesn't settle for mediocracy,
One of those...
     who tackles challenges with grit,
One of those...
     who reflects and relives,
One of those...
      who is seen as the brave...

We are, "ONE OF THOSE"!

The smiles, the laughter, the ah-ha moments, the goosebumps, the collaboration... that is what made these 2 days EPIC! If you do not remember... check out these pictures!

Let's continue to tell our story of being labeled as, "One of Those"!
